whatever happened to a dream,
my dream, the dream.
why must so damn much
be compromised just for
something that means alot?
there's too much to weigh
and i'm so sick of growing up. i just wanna stay nineteen forever, cycle with gi all day,
nasi briyani with 4a,
shop with chris,
blade with the slackers,
emosiaokao with my good stuffs,
karaoke with a106,
study (or otherwise) with zong,
train with my st hilda's teammates,
have playground talks with my bestest,
bet soccer with my best buds,
supper with the kemsters,
run around squirting water at people in mj,
mahjong with the boys
and all the things that keep me alive.
if only i could bring all of you
with me to switzerland.
now part of me wishes i get rejected
so i can stay in singapore.
and treasure all your friendships for good.
they were right:
be careful what you wish for.
it may just come true.