you know,
it feels good when you're back.
back to where you started.
yeah, sometimes.
like, reliving the good old days?
well, almost i guess.
five days into 2007.
i'm not complaining.
i'm just really grateful that
2006 closed on the right note.
yes, there were the ups and downs,
the damned a's, the ridiculous results,
the disheartedning competitions,
and even the forsaken friendships.
but i'm just really blessed that
i got my best friend back.
now i know what they mean
when the say that
when the night is darkest,
the sun is rising soon.
i understand.
'cos i've been through that.
the worst ever, really.
but god is good, amen.
and now, the bestest is back.
and i pray that this time,
forever will last.
so this is for us.
for a friendship that will last forever.
yes, forever.
('cos this time, i'm giving 'forever' a shot).
thank you for the ups and downs.
the love and hate.
the smiles and frowns.
this is the friendship that has won and lost.
and we're still together through it all.
always and forever.